Psychodynamic Therapy is understanding the mental and emotional thought processes and behaviours that have developed in early childhood, and learning how they materialise at an unconscious level in your present life.
The fore father of Psychoanalysis, Psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud theory is that people are often driven by unconscious thought and emotions, that are present behaviour, thought and feelings derive from early childhood. The are many other psychoanalysts that developed Freud’s theory such as Carl Jung, Melanie Klien, Erik Erikson, Donald Winnacott, John Bowlby and many others. Psychoanalysis has been influential in popular culture having shaped ideas in TV, Film, Music, marketing campaigns, and how we view society. It's a useful theory to observe the many facets of life and give a different perspective.
The intention of Psychodynamic therapy is to bring the unconscious thoughts, behaviour and feelings to the conscious mind to process any uncomfortable feelings and emotions, and explore ways of how to overcome difficulties and challenges in life, and move forward with a different outlook of self and relationships with others.